Network Game Dev Diary: States

Network Game Dev Diary: States

Apr 1, 2019. | By: Lewis Bond
1 min


The GameCore (server side) and the GameScene (client side) cpps were getting too big and unreadable. To sort this I changed the switch case I had with the states in different classes all inheriting from an abstract state class (similarly to my scenes). The code in the switch case was moved and it cleaned up the cpp. Now to update the game the code is ..



A problem occured when I needed to send packets back to the client. I had functions that did this is in the game core called sendMap(), sendPlayers(), etc. But with the code now in different classes I couldnt call these function as they were in the game core and I needed access to them in each state. This would of meant duplicating the code and having the same function for each class. The code was put in a namespace called Packet Compiler and whenever I want to send a packet to a client I call this one of these functions from the namespace and it sends the data to the clients.

    PacketCompiler::sendPlayerTurn(server, *current_player_turn);



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