Ex-Machina Game Dev Diary: Level Builder Foundations

Ex-Machina Game Dev Diary: Level Builder Foundations

Feb 9, 2019. | By: Lewis Bond
1 min

Level Builder

I started on the level builder today. Its design is based of a mix of the level deisgner, mentioned in a previous dev diary, and the particle editor I made for GEA. The foundations have started being implemented: clicking to spawn in the a new block, different blocks spawning in depending on which element in the menu was chosen, highlighting the selected block and dragging the block around the place.

The basics of the level builder.


A problem that I encaounted when starting the level builder was to do with vectors. I used vectors for my user interface for the level designer but this time when I tried to implment my 2D vector I wanted it kept crashes due to missing sprite when clearing the temporary vector I used to push into the 2D vector. The code I used is shown below.

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
      ObjectVector temp_vector;
      for (int j = 0; j < 1; ++j)

I couldn’t figure out why there was a an problem with the sprite becuase the game objects in the vector weren’t being given a sprite component at this point so it shouldn’t be executing the code to delete the sprite of the game object.


I couldn’t actually figure out what was this issue with the vector but in the end I used an array of game objects instead as I realised I didn’t need a 2D vector as it would be wasting memory allocation.



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