Ex-Machina Game Dev Diary: Game Ideas

Ex-Machina Game Dev Diary: Game Ideas

Dec 9, 2018. | By: Lewis Bond
1 min


I formed a team with my classmates Evan, Tom and Jack. We had a few initial ideas that were based on the themes in the film. One of games was where you played as a character that grows up. You start off as a baby and have different situations to navigate with the outcome of each situation affecting the next one. This game followed the theme of evolution and evolving as a person. The game we settled on was a physics platformer where the player effects the environment. The themes, the idea was created from, were playing god and manipulation.

Physics Platformer

Geometry Dash and Hotline Miami are both games that follow the art style that we chose for our game.

The game will be about a god in training and has been given a city to look after. How the character plays the game will impact on the city and its people. So the player might have to expand themself to a point where its affecting the buildings and moving them out of the way. This then has an impact on some of the people that are in those buildings. This is the narrative part of the game. The game will also include a level builder where players can create their own level and then play them. We are going with a synthwave art style with this game so it will look like Hotline Miami and Geometry Dash.



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