Text Based Adventure Game Dev Diary: Assignment

Text Based Adventure Game Dev Diary: Assignment

Oct 19, 2018. | By: Lewis Bond
1 min


Rewrite the text based adventure game from BASIC into C++ and fix any bugs as well as improving on memory management. As it says we are allowed to make changes and also have to make a walkthrough of the original game and a gameplay timelapse of both games.

Text Based Adventure

The text based adevneture game is set in a haunted house with ghosts, bats, spells and hidden rooms all included. The aim is to collect all the items and get back to the front of the house. The score you get at the end depends on how many items you collected along the way.

My Text Based Adventure

For my reworked game I will change the setting as well as the items available. My game will be set on an abandoned spaceship and the aim is to try an escape the spaceship. You will need to collect certain items to escape the spaceship but not all items are required although you will get extra points the more items you collect. There will score multiplier after the player dies or escapes the ship. what score multiplier the player gets depends on how many actions the player completes.

As a stretch goal I am also thinking of adding in an alien that wonders around the ship and if the user encounters it they will have to defend themself with any items they found or run away.



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