Ex-Machina Game Dev Diary: Post Mortem

Ex-Machina Game Dev Diary: Post Mortem

May 2, 2019. | By: Lewis Bond
1 min

Rainforest Rampage

This just shows a snippet of the game.


  • It works very well and is easier to pick up and understand.
  • The UI deisgn is nice and with animations it makes it feel really nice to navigate around.
  • Transfering it over from the board game to a digital version was challenging but enjoyable (sometimes).
  • The board game was well made so none of the features have been chopped.


  • Lack of animations in game scene.
  • The code base is a mess as nearly all of it was done by me.
  • team mates that didn't do any work, made it difficult to get done so it was stressful hitting the dealines
  • The server side of the code is messy and would be improved next time with more refactroing and input from other people.
  • The lack of audio is very apaprent takes some shine off the game.

Potential Improvements

  • Add animations in game scene.
  • Refactor code more so it is cleaner.
  • Add audio to go along with the game to make it more immersive.

What I Learned

  • I learned about networking in the game as well as how to send data between clients and a server and syncig them up.
  • It reinforced my understanding of c++ as well as improving my c++ skills.
  • Also I learned to appreciate having team members who are able to be given a task and get on with it, like it was for my Ex-Machina group and is for GEP group.




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