Network Game Dev Diary: Assignment

Network Game Dev Diary: Assignment

Mar 8, 2019. | By: Lewis Bond
1 min

Network Game

For the network game we have to get into a our groups we made our board game in and now digitise the board game we designed. It has to have network capabilities so it can be played on different computers.

Board Game

Rainforest Rampage is the name of our board game. Each player plays as an animal, which is endangered, the map gets slowly deforested and destroyed as the game progreses. The aim is to get as many points as possible. The player gets points by collecting food/water tokens that spread over the map. They have to collect the token that corresponds to their token card. The game ends when a player reaches 200 points, the cards run out or the entire map is deforested. Each player draws a card at the end of every turn and this can have a range of effects from deforesting a tile, to giving a player an extra life, to a ranger coming in and saving a player from losing any lives.


We have discussed making a few changes to try and improve the game.

  • Give the player multiple targets so other players will find it tougher to guess where they are moving towards.
  • Add a mass migration card so the player can move two spaces, to speed the game up
  • Combining the ranger and protester card so they both do the same thing
  • Adding more target tokens from 4 on the board to 6/8



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