Level Design Developer's Diary: Level Plans

Level Design Developer's Diary: Level Plans

Nov 14, 2018. | By: Lewis Bond
2 mins

Level Design


The plan for my level is to make it 4 stages. The town, the cave, the weird location and the chase. The player will work their way through all three areas then once they have been woken up the big creature, they will have to run back trhough all three except they have changed slightly.

The Town

This is a plan of the town and how it will be laid out.

The player will enter the town from the beach then have to explore the houses. One of the houses will contrain a power-up that player will have to get order to obtain access to the mansion. Once the player has gained access to the mansion they will have to explore the mansion and gain a second power-up which which will give them access to the cave.

The Cave

This is a plan of the cave and how it will be laid out.

The layout of the cave is meant to seem like a mini maze but actually guide the player in certain direction. Some areas will hvae tokens or crystals in them which the player will use to open the portal at the end.

The Weird Location

This is a plan of the town and how it will be laid out.

The weird location will have different physics and potentially have the player. The player will encounter some weak enemies when they first enter the place. Once they have been defeated they player will gain the power to attract or repel objects. This power will needed to be used to navgate the level. The creature will be at the end of the level where the player will wake them up. This will lead to the chase part of the level.

The Chase

The chase part of the level will require the player to use all power-ups they have aquired. The player will go back to the cave then go through back to the cave to the mansion then run to the boat and escape the island and the creature.



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